Children 5 years old by 1st September must attend school or be educated otherwise, unless exempt in law. To register, please complete and return a Registration form to the School Admissions Team, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, GY1 1FH or email
Children 4 years old on or before 31st August may start in September the following year in Reception, if spaces are available. To register, please complete and submit the below Reception Registration form, along with the required supporting documentation, to your catchment school (which can be found at
The School Admissions Team will endeavour to place them at their catchment school.
Information about catchment areas can be found at
Parents/carers moving to Guernsey with a school-age child(ren) wishing to apply for a place in a States-maintained school are asked to read the relevant sections on States of Guersney Admissions then complete and return this Admission Form at least two weeks prior to their child(ren)'s intended start date