CRITICAL THINKINGIn a nutshell: using curiosity to ask well-structured questions and challenge what they observe and already believe about the world to generate deeper thinking and learning through disciplined reasoning and ethical enquiry. |
TEAMWORKIn a nutshell: learning from and with others by listening, encouraging, communicating and adopting different roles to work towards a group goal that is greater than the individual achievements of its members.
CREATIVITYIn a nutshell: using imagination and inventiveness to create something original (to the learner) by combining and linking existing knowledge and ideas in a novel and beneficial way to turn them into reality. |
REFLECTIONIn a nutshell: consciously and actively examining and thinking about our experiences, behaviours, feelings, beliefs and attitudes in order to learn from them and take responsibility for our personal growth. |
INDEPENDENCEIn a nutshell: In a nutshell: autonomously taking charge of their own learning by planning what to do, when to do it and what support or resources will be needed to succeed, resulting in high levels of self-motivation and self-regulation. |
RESILIENCEIn a nutshell: keeping going when things get hard as they believe errors and challenge show they are at the edge of their comfort zone which leads to more progress and depth in learning. |